
Financial settlement with the greatest of ease

Imagine paying for all learning activities in your entire organisation via one monthly invoice.
It's possible – with Springest Go.

One central purchasing point

One monthly invoice

Complete budget organisation

One central purchasing point for L&D

Springest can take care of the invoicing of all externally purchased learning products. We can add an unlimited number of suppliers to your custom platform without additional charges, leaving you with one central purchasing point for all learning products.

One monthly invoice

The invoice can be sent per registration to a central billing address or once per month to the desired department in one convenient overview. We’ll save you a lot of work. Especially, since registrations can be independently arranged by employees themselves.

See more references from companies like Stork

With Springest Go, Stork ensures central training procurement.

Instead of 5,000-10,000 separate invoices, we now receive only 100 invoices per year.
Arjan de Bruijn
Arjan de Bruijn Manager Academy, Stork

Also convenient:

Individual learning budgets

Individual learning budgets

In the Admin of your learning platform, we automatically keep track of the learning budget of each employee. As a result, your HR department never lacks insight, and employees can easily see what they can still spend on learning. Saving up can be enabled too.

Automatic billing

Automatic billing

Your employees need not worry about the financial settlement of their courses (anymore). With our learning platforms, all administrative processes surrounding L&D are automated, billing included. If desired, Springest can become your sole supplier of external training programs.

Shared payments

Shared payments

If your employee has a learning budget of 750 euro but wants to follow a course for 1,150, compensation can be arranged. Either with department budget, vacation days or overtime or salary. We facilitate and streamline the entire process according to your wishes.

Complete budget handling

Complete budget handling

Prefer to arrange all financial transactions for a specific time frame in one go? With our prepaid model, we can take over your entire budget organisation. All you have to do is make the predetermined budget available and we’ll take care of the rest. Whatever is left will be refunded.

Grant management

Grant management

Springest continuously checks if there are any subsidies or grants available for specific learning products. This can be the case when the activities are meant for sustainable employability. We will check your employees’ motivation and provide them with the necessary documents.

Ready to make purchasing learning products easy again?

We'll negotiate the best deals and provide you with neatly automated processes.

Contact us for a demo