
MBA Trends

In recent decades, the trend for enrollment in MBA studies has been as a direct influence by the economic flux.  At the moment, the financial crisis seems to be a continuing trend in the upcoming years. When the economy is in a slump, enrollment seems to rise proportionately.This means more competition among the students which will also have its effect on the job market. Due to the recent developments as a result of the financial crisis, a lot of high educated employees are looking for a job. That is why springest.com advises you to do a specialized MBA.

An MBA offers:

  1. Business skills – <a href=""MBA programs train students in major business disciplines such as finance, marketing, management, and operations. MBA programs also focus on “soft skills” such as leadership and values. One successful MBA graduate is Charles Phillips Oracle former CEO, who was also on Obama’s Administrative Economic Board.
  2. Career options – An MBA can be used to change careers or advance in your current career. Some careers, such as management consulting and investment banking, typically require an MBA. If your goal is to advance in one of these careers, an MBA at a top school is likely a necessity. Also, an MBA can help those in non-business fields (such as engineering) make the move into management or into other business fields.
  3. Networking – Pursuing an MBA provides the opportunity for a student to network with faculty, alumni, and other students. These connections can be useful as you pursue a career after earning an MBA.
  4. Increased salary – The Graduate Management Admissions Council reports that the average MBA student makes on average $25.000 more annually before attending after receiving an MBA.

An MBA degree usually aids in obtaining a career change and is a career accelerator across a number of industries. MBA graduates fit into administrative positions that are commiserate in salary.

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Tips to choose your MBA