Springest Blog

About Springest and the world of learning

Sleep accelerates your learning curve Learning

Sleep accelerates your learning curve

Sleep’s role in forming lasting memory has been discovered by a team of scientists in China and the US. Scientists have discovered how a good night’s sleep is crucial to learning and forming new lasting memories. Do you get enough sleep?

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The Online Learning List Learning

The Online Learning List

If you’re on a quest for information where do you tend to start? Google right? But what if you want to learn something new, but still not too sure what? And how do you find those clever and useful study tools, if you don’t know that they exist? To make things a little bit easier […]

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Educational Budgets not fully spent despite growing need for Training

Recently Springest carried out a research about educational budgets in Germany, together with Forsa, one of the leading market research and surveying companies in Germany. 31% of the surveyed companies don’t spend  their educational budgets, even though HR managers so see a need for employee training. This seems to be a common problem throughout Europe, […]

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BTECs explained!

BTECs have earned their reputation as the world’s most successful vocational learning qualification, giving students a clear path into a profession and/or career. It gives students the knowledge and tools to to take responsibility for their own learning. BTEC develops the practical, interpersonal and thinking skills essential for professional life.

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Holacracy’s 8 challenges Learning

Holacracy’s 8 challenges

Here at Springest we’ve been using Holacracy, an Agile Development like management philosophy, for the past 2 years to help us organise the company more effectively. However, as all things new, we had some teething pains. Ruben, our founder,  has composed a list of 8 challenges that we had to overcome whilst adopting Holacracy, plus our approaches […]

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How to Retrain to Successfully Change Your Career

It goes without saying that in today’s shaky economy, flexibility is something that could account for our professional success. The idea of retraining in order to launch a new career trackhas been recently gaining popularity, mostly due to a variety of changes and innovations applied to many sectors, as well as the possibilities of cutbacks […]

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Education as a Weapon of Change

  The late Nelson Mandela was famously known for being an active promoter of education. He believed that “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”. Usually Mandela’s quote is used to promote primary education, but in this post I want to stress the importance of continuing your education […]

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